New Hampshire Police Standards &
Training Council

Conduct Review Committee

The New Hampshire Conduct Review Committee (the committee or the CRC) was created by RSA 106-L , effective 1 January 2023. The committee reviews all allegations of misconduct involving New Hampshire officers. The committee is administratively attached to the New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council and reports to its director or a designee.

The committee members are appointed by the governor, who names the chairperson. The committee is composed of 4 law enforcement members and 3 public members. No public members shall be employed as a certified police officer, lawyer, or judge, and none shall have a spouse, sibling, or parent, by birth, adoption, or marriage, who is a certified police officer, lawyer, or judge. A staff attorney hired by and reporting to the director shall provide guidance to the committee, shall direct investigations as authorized by the committee or the director and shall be responsible to present recommended findings in front of the council on behalf of the committee. No committee member may serve concurrently as a member of the council. Each member shall be appointed for 2 years, and no appointed member may serve more than 3 consecutive terms.


Meetings shall be conducted in non-public session. The quorum for the committee shall be 5 members, of whom at least 3 are law enforcement officers and 2 are public members. No committee member shall participate in any proceeding before the committee involving their own conduct or of their agency. Records, investigations and work products of the committee shall not be made public or discoverable under RSA 91-A. However, if the committee recommends to the council that a finding of misconduct be sustained then such decisions of the committee shall be public, and the council shall schedule a public hearing.



Register of Complaints

Pursuant to RSA 106-L:22, III, the council shall prepare and maintain a register of all complaints reviewed by the committee to public inspection and copying containing the following information: the date, the nature of the complaint, but not including the identity of the law enforcement officer or employing agency, and a summary of the disposition of the completed investigation.


New Hampshire Laws

Links to laws that pertain to the committee and allegations of misconduct of law officer.

  • RSA 106-L:2 Definitions of words including Misconduct, Valid Complaint, Valid Investigation and Sustained Finding.
  • RSA 106-L:18 Responsibilities of the committee, including review, determinations, criminal referral and reasons to dismiss a complaint.
  • RSA 106-L:19 Law Enforcement Agencies; Duty to Adopt a Valid Internal Affairs Program.
  • RSA 106-L:20 Law Enforcement Agencies; Duty to Report an Allegation of Misconduct.
  • RSA 106-L:21 Investigations on the agency level, the committee’s review of those investigations and reasons for additional investigations by the committee and the director.
  • RSA 106-L:22 Accessibility and Confidentiality defines matters that shall be confidential and those that are public
  • RSA 106-L:23 Statues of Limitations defines time frames for review of allegations by the committee and an exception.

New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council
17 Institute Drive  |  Concord, NH 03301